
We Envision
Healthy Herds

Since 2019, CYON Livestock Solutions has set out to provide dairies and cattlemen with the most comprehensive set of tools to grow and maintain healthy, profitable herds. Our mission is simple and the solutions dynamic, offering a wide range of services that cover the everchanging needs of herd management. Explore our options below and ask our team how we can best provide your operation with industry-leading herd utilities.

Our Team

Whole Herd Program

This is a unique offering, crafted by Jon and Dr. Muller, that allows CYON the opportunity to join your team. Each of these services are provided by our network and can be selected to be included. When you select which “solutions” we can assist with, we then calculate a per-pregnant cow price for a year’s worth of “solutions.” As of now, we know of no one else offering this fixed-cost alternative.  As the ranch owner/manager you know best what areas of opportunity exist, we strive to help figure out how to seize those opportunities. For some customers that has been as one-topic focused as reevaluation of their protocols for others a more complex look at many areas of management, data collection (adding the use of Herdtrax cattle software) and analysis, and how all the pieces fit together. We know it sounds different because it is. We would love to visit with you and share more.

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Veterinary Services

One of the catalysts for the creation of CYON Livestock Solutions was an increasing awareness of the lack of large animal veterinarians, especially for cattle, in central and eastern Washington. We have partnered with quality, progressive veterinarians and clinics to support their work and are always looking for others. In areas with limited or no large animal veterinarian, we use our network to provide services including: pregnancy evaluation (preg check), breeding soundness exams (BSE/ semen testing), bangs vaccination, and heifer pre-breeding evaluation.  

Herd Management

Need to organize your cattle data? Our signature software program, Herdtrax, can help you get all your information in order. A user-friendly interface provides an effortless experience from setup to utilization. No installation required and access from anywhere with an internet connection. Capture data at birth and every subsequent event for the animal's entire life. Seamlessly share access to data for audits, protocols, and treatments.

Vaccines, Minerals, More

From all your typical vaccines to specialized products, we have a full offering to meet your needs for working cattle. For your mineral needs we offer loose mineral, SmartLic tubs for protein and mineral (and even your horses), and Redmond salt.

Laboratory Services

Ag Health Laboratories, Inc. was founded in 2003 by three veterinarians and specializes in animal health diagnostics and feed analysis. However, their mission to serve regional agriculture has led to a broad array of testing including milk quality, small ruminant diagnostics, export hay analysis, hop analysis, and water analysis. Feed analysis includes both wet chemistry and NIR methods which support the needs of growers, brokers, cattle feeders, dairies, horse owners, and hay exporters. In animal health they run a variety of tests including: BVD, Johnes, and BioPRYN. Ag Health Labs is operated by scientists. They are focused on optimizing decision making and the success of clients by maximizing they quality of information provided. They provide fast, accurate, and quality results.

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